Users Menu Explained (Cortex series)

User access

This menu is where all of the user rights are managed. Cortex users can be added, deleted and their access rights can be precisely customized.

Note that many settings can be edited “in Bulk”. This feature can make configuring much quicker for system administrators. When doing bulk editing, some setting boxes might show-up as grayed-out: this means that these settings are not available for bulk edition. To access any grayed-out setting, edit users one at a time.

The table below shows the default users for the system along with their passwords.


It is VERY IMPORTANT that you change these default usernames and passwords, (and save your new settings in a secure location) to prevent unauthorized access to your Davicom unit! If you lose your passwords, Davicom’s support department will not be able to help you, short of performing a factory reset on the unit. Davicom does not have back-door passwords or special access privileges.

The screen below shows the Users management window.

1 – SELECT ALL: Select all users.

2 – INDIVIDUAL SELECTION: Select one or many users.

3 – SETUP: Requests the User configuration menu for the selected users (bulk edition is allowed).

4 – DELETE: Deletes the selected users.

5 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

6 – CUSTOM LEVEL EDITOR: Access the custom level editor menu to create, edit or delete custom access levels.

7 – ADD: Add a new user.

8 – EXIT: Exit menu.

Once you have selected a user, or decided to add one with the “+”, you access the User Configuration menu

The User Configuration menu allows setting the information for each user.

1 – REAL NAME: Usual name of the user. For system documentation only, this is NOT the User name.

2 – USERNAME: Username of the user’s account. Required to connect to the unit.

3 –PASSWORD: Password of the user’s account. Required to connect to the unit.

4 – ID (Phone): An Identification Number associated to the user and used for phone access. This ID is used in place of a usual username and password, which simplifies login and alarm acknowledgement by telephone.

5 – EMAIL: Email of the user.

6 – PHONE NUMBER: Phone number of the user.

7 – WORKSPACE: Specific workspace associated to the user’s account (the workspace will load automatically upon connection).

8 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

9 – SAVE: Save the screen content.

10 – EXIT: Exit menu.

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