Upgrading the Davicom DV-200 Firmware Using the Alternate Method

Firmware upgrade failure using the .dav file sometimes happens with the DV-Micro, but rarely with the DV-Mini or DV208/216 units.

In the case of firmware upgrade failure, you need to upgrade the firmware with the alternate method, using the following procedure (Note: the example shown uses the firmware version 556_18631)

To use the alternate method of firmware upgrading, do the following:

1- Go to the Firmware folder in Program Files (x86) and then the zip folder.

2- Unzip the main f/w (556_18631 in this example), the English and the SNMP (not for Micro) files someplace (desktop or in the zip folder itself).

Note – Do not do it for Zoneinfo, it is not necessary, and manual upgrading will fail because info has not changed since 2007.

3- Connect to the Davicom, and go to Firmware Upgrade.

4- Browse to the unzipped folder for the main firmware. You will need to select All Files to see the hex file because DavLink will look for a .dav file.

5- In the unzipped main firmware folder select the release.hex file.

6- Click Open, and then, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and then click Start.

8- A window will open showing all the modules that have been selected, so leave it as is.

9- Click OK and then the firmware upgrade will proceed according to the old method.

10- When the Davicom finishes and reboots, repeat the procedure with the unzipped English and SNMP (not for Micro) folders.

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