Site Information (DV-200)

Site identification

To configure site information, click the Unit Configuration icon (), then select System.

The upper part of the System configuration window allows you to enter the identification of the site where the Davicom unit is installed.

Site Name: The Default field allows up to 30 Unicode alphanumerical characters. The Alternate field allows up to 18 ASCII alphanumerical characters. Refer to Section on page 52 for more details.

Site Identification: Mandatory field. Maximum 18 digits. Each of your sites must be assigned a different number. This field is particularly important when the Davicom unit is sending alarms to a digital pager or to the DavNet multi-site alarm management software.

Tip: If you send alarms by digital pager, we recommend you enter the site telephone number in this field. This way, the telephone number to call back the Davicom unit will be displayed on the pager.

Station Call Letters: Optional field. Identifying letters, sometimes including numerals, assigned to radio and television stations by regulatory agencies throughout the world. Maximum 6 alphanumerical characters.

Site location (sunrise/sunset parameters)

On the left side of the configuration screen, you can enter the latitude and longitude of your site. If you do not know your site’s coordinates, you will easily find applications on the web that will provide you with the required information based on maps, zip codes, etc. Setting the latitude and longitude will allow your Davicom unit to automatically calculate the local sunrise and sunset times for every day of the year. It indicates the state of the sun through the 1S01 Flag (1 when sun is up, 0 when sun is down) This will allow you to configure automatic tower lighting, AM day/night radiation pattern changes, etc.

Latitude and Longitude: Enter 2 or 3 digits for the degrees, 2 digits for the minutes and 2 digits for the seconds, then select the appropriate cardinal direction.

Site date/time (clock setup)

In the middle section of the configuration screen, you can enter the local date and time applicable to your site, set parameters for automatic time synchronization, and configure daylight saving time settings, if applicable.

Date: Enter the 4 digits of the year followed by 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the day applicable to your site.

Time: Enter 2 digits for the hour followed by 2 digits for the minutes and 2 digits for the seconds applicable to your site.

Time Zone Relative to GMT: Select the zone applicable to your site from the drop-down list. Note that this setting is used during clock synchronization and to calculate local sunrise/sunset.

Synchronization Time: Time of day at which the Davicom will connect to a time synchronization service for time synchronization.

Synchronize every: The frequency, in days, for Davicom clock synchronization to a time synchronization service.

Synchronization Phone Number/Address (ACTS/NTP): The phone number, or web address, of the synchronization service, using the Automated Computer Time Service (ACTS) protocol or Network Time Protocol (NTP). For example, the atomic clock of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Colorado can be reached by modem at 1-303-494-4774.

Note that calling the time synchronization service may incur long-distance charges. Maximum 40 alphanumerical characters for web addresses (enter only the characters after http://). Maximum 24 digits for telephone numbers (including parenthesis, hyphens and commas). Commas are used for 2-second pauses.

Number of attempts: Number of times your Davicom unit will attempt to reach the synchronization agency and synchronize the Davicom clock, whether by modem or by IP. Maximum 99 times.

Note: Flag 1Y01 will only become active (true) after all attempts have failed. System Log entry will only indicate a fail after all attempts have failed. Refer to Section on page 48 for more information on flags.

Delay between attempts: Delay, in minutes, between each attempt to reach the synchronization service. Maximum 99 minutes.

Callout Device: If you provided a telephone number in the Synchronization Number/Address field, you must select which modem will be used, since Davicom units have dual-modem capability.

Automatic DST adjustment: When you check this box, the Davicom will use the standard Daylight Saving Time (DST) according to the time zone parameter. Your Davicom must have the zoneinfo2007 module update installed if they were purchased before 2007.

Begins on: For areas that change time at dates different from the standard DST, enter 4 digits for the year followed by 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the day marking the beginning of the DST period.

Note: For most parts of the United States and Canada, DST is from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, starting in 2007.

Important: You must update this field each year if you do not use the Automatic option.

Ends on: For areas that change time at dates different from the standard DST, enter 4 digits for the year followed by 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the day marking the end of the DST period.

Important: You must update this field each year if you do not use the Automatic option..

Change By: Change, in minutes, which is added to the Davicom clock at the beginning of the DST period, and subtracted at the end of the DST period. Maximum 99 minutes, generally 60 minutes. The Davicom clock adjusts it’s time for DST at 2:00:00 AM.

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