Remote Operation Via the USB Port (DADS-1)

Using the supplied cable, connect your DADS-01’s USB port to the rear-panel USB Port on any Davicom RTU (DV-Micro, DV-Mini, DV-208/216). As mentioned above, the monitoring units MUST be running Firmware Version 5.48 or higher.

Power-up the DADS-01 and wait a few seconds for it to automatically sync with the Davicom RTU. To connect to the DADS-01 through the RTU, first connect to the RTU in your usual way, start-up DavLink and log-on to your Davicom RTU.

Once logged-on, click on the Configuration icon () in the DavLink Toolbar.

The following configuration window will appear. Select the Devices Tab.

Davicom Configuration Window

Then click on the “Davicom Expansions” button as shown in the image below.

Devices Window

Clicking on the “Davicom Expansions” button brings-up the window shown in the image below which allows configuration of the DADS-01 and all its settings:

DADS-01 Configuration Window

If the DADS-01 was not connected or had not been detected by the RTU, a message at the top of the window would have indicated that no DADS-01 unit was connected.

DADS-01 drop-down list: The Davicom RTU can accommodate up to 4 DADS-01 units which are selected through the DADS-01 drop-down list.

Auto Read: Checking the Auto Read box ensures that the readings displayed in the DADS-01 screen are automatically refreshed every time a different unit is selected from the DADS-01 drop-down list. Otherwise, the Read button must be pressed to refresh the display with the latest readings from the corresponding DADS-01.

Read & Write: Clicking on these buttons reads the data from the DADS-01, or writes data to the DADS-01 following any changes made in the configuration screen. The Write operation is necessary because changes made to the settings displayed on the screen are only present in your PC and aren’t transferred to the connected DADS-01 until the Write button is pressed.

Descriptions (Default and Alternate): These descriptions are used to identify the DADS-01 whenever alarms are sent or events are logged in the System Log. The Default description is in Unicode and can accommodate any compatible international alphabet. The Alternate description is in ASCII and is generally used for an English description. The RTU automatically copies the Default into the Alternate description if the Alternate field is empty and if the language is ASCII compatible.

Mode: Selects the Automatic or Manual mode

Active Channel: Indicates the currently selected input

Test Tone: Turns the test tone On or Off.

Action Type: Defines which type of action will be performed when an alarm is declared (MAJ, MIN,CMD or QLF)

Alarm List: Defines which contact list (1 through 8) will be used when an alarm is declared.

Low limit, Normal Limit, Low Limit Delay, Normal Limit Delay: Refer to this article for a complete description of these settings.

To view the current levels and alarm states of the DADS-01, go back to the DavLink main screen and click on the “View” (eyeglasses) icon as shown below.

This will display the screen as shown in the image below.

Davicom/Site Views Screen

Click on the DADS… button, this will display the screen shown in the image below.

DADS-01 Visualization Window
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