How to Connect Physical I/O to the Cortex 320

The most convenient way to connect physical I/O to the Cortex-320 is through Davicom’s DVIO320 screw-terminal I/O board.

This board provides complete connection options for the auxiliary DC outputs (+12V and +5V), the metering inputs, the internal or external-ground status inputs as well as the relay outputs.

The panel’s layout is shown below.

Specifications for the Metering inputs are:

  • 12-bit resolution
  • Single-ended input  with 1 MΩ input impedance
  • Selectable input ranges of 5 & 60 VDC
  • Audio rectifier jumper selectable on all inputs
  • Useable as Status Inputs also with selectable internal pull-up resistor

Specifications for the Status inputs are:

  • Independent grounds on each input
  • Opto-isolated
  • Impedance > 22 kΩ
  • Detection Levels: -12 to 0.8 VDC (low), +2.4 to +12 VDC (high)

Specifications for the relays are:

  • 70 VAC @ 0.4A, 30 VDC @ 2A, or open collector (100 mA)

Depending on your requirements and setup, you must also remember to connect the telephone line, the Power Fail detector wall-wart, the network and most importantly, to ground the unit with an appropriate ground wire or strap.

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