How to Configure a Metering Input (Cortex 360)

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be configuring the THS0080 Temperature Sensor that came with the Cortex.

Connecting the sensor to the MIOP-300 panel

To begin, you must connect the sensor to the MIOP-300 panel.

1. Locate the first analog input (A1: +/GND/).

2. Insert the white wire into the + and screw it into place.

3. Since the THS0080 is a unipolar sensor, you must insert a jumper that links the to the GND and screw it into place. 

4. Insert the red wire into the +5V OUT at the end of the board and screw it into place.

5. Insert the black wire into the GND next to the +5V OUT (i.e. next to the red wire) and screw it into place. 

6. Your setup should look like this. You are now ready to move on to the configuration step.

Configuring the Metering Input

1. Go to the Inputs menu.

2. Go to Metering Inputs.

3. Click the + button. 

4. By default, you should now be configuring 1A1.

Tip: You can also access this menu by right clicking on the Metering Inputs on the main workspace and clicking Config.

5. In the Descriptions tab, set the Active and Normal Default Descriptions. Here, we will simply use Indoor Temperature for both.

6. Go to the Actions tab.

7. Set the Voltage Range to 2.5.

8. Set the desired Measurement Unit (Farenheit / Celsius). For this example, we will be using F.

9. Enter the Sensor Coefficients associated with your measurement unit. These are provided in the Datasheet, but if you are also using F as a measurement unit, you can copy the ones shown on the image below. 

10. Next, select the Action Type. For this example, we will use the MAJOR1 alarm call list we previously configured. 

11. Set the Low and High Limits. These limits determine when the alarm will go off.

12. If you wish to add another level of alarms, click on the + next to Level 2 and fill in the required fields.

13. Save the configuration.

14. Exit the configuration window.

15. You should now see your sensor in the Metering Inputs screen.

16. To delete any configured inputs, select the one(s) you wish to delete and then click on the delete button.

17. You can add other Metering Inputs using the + button.

For more information about the Metering Inputs menu, please refer to this article.

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