First thing to be aware of is that there are two levels of hierarchy in the Custom Level Editor Limitations menus. The Menu and Other Commands sections are top-level (macroscopic) sections and if everything is unchecked in both, the newly-created user will have no access to anything other than viewing the workspace that has been assigned to that user.
The remaining Limitations sections, which are in alphabetical order are more precise, specific limitations that can be assigned to a user but are only active if one or both of the top-level sections allow access to them.
In the following example I have created a No menu access level for a user named andrew with a password of 12345678. Please use the supervisor access level to perform any Custom Level Editor operations.
1- The first step is to click System>Users to access the Custom Level Editor function. Refer to the screenshots for each of the steps.
2- Uncheck the Allow checkboxes in the Menu section.
3- Click Save and add an appropriate name to the Access Level Model, e.g., No menu Access in my example.
4- Uncheck the Allow checkboxes in the Other Commands section.
Doing these steps will block access to the Pause, Local and Alarm Calls buttons in the main window along with all the Menus.
5- Click the Save button and make sure you are saving it to the same name that was previously set.
6- Exit back to the Users menu.
5- Click the + button, select the No menu access in the Access Level drop down, and add the new user with username andrew and password12345678.
6- Click the Save button to add the new user to the list of users already registered in the Cortex.
7- Logout from the unit and then log back in as the andrew user.
8- You should now see a workspace screen with no menus with the Pause, Local and Alarm Calls buttons greyed out.
Note that you can give any name you wish to the new user and set any password you like, but the password must be at least 8 characters in length.
Final note: Privileges/credentials for the default Cortex users (direc01, super01, admin01, viewer01, oper01, HDMI) cannot be changed, they are hard-coded in the unit.