AXON/NEURO Menus and General Navigation Guidelines


Home page—shows I/O readings and gives access to the configuration menu.

Clicking on the hamburger menu at the upper left will open up the main configuration drop-down menu.

Main Configuration drop-down menu:

General Menu structure:

HOMEReturns to Home page  
LOGSSYSTEM LOGDisplays complete System Log
DATA LOGDisplays individual Data Logs
DATA LOG CONFIGConfiguration of Data Log settings 
TRANSFER PARAMETERSConfiguration of Log transfer parameters (email, frequency…) 
JOBS Configuration of up to 4 JOBS (also known as State Machines)
INPUTSACTIVITY MONITORINGUsed to monitor and/or cumulate activity duration of up to 8 Inputs or IDs
ANALOGS (AXON-8A only)Configures settings for 8 Analog Inputs (thresholds, conditions…)
COUNTERSConfigures settings for 8 counters (Up, Down, Reset, Initial Value…)
DIGITALS (AXON-8D only)Configures settings for 8 Digital Inputs (active High, active Low…)
FLAGSConfigures alarm settings for 5 System Flags
MATH FUNCTIONSConfiguration of 8 Math functions (+,-,*, log, VSWR, Average…)
PINGConfiguration of Network Ping (address, delay, period…)
SCHEDULERSConfiguration of 8 schedulers (hourly, daily, weekly …)
OUTPUTSAxon/Neuro CommandsConfiguration of Commands between AXON units
Cortex/DV200 CommandsConfiguration of Commands to CORTEX/DV200 units 
RELAYS (AXON-5R only)Configuration of Relay settings (mode, pulse width, colours…)
SYSTEMABOUTDisplays unit serial number, firmware version…
ADMINISTRATIONGENERALReboot, factory reset, firmware update…
CONFIGURATION TRANSFERImport or export (save) unit configuration
PRODUCTIONReserved for production & tests
ALARM CALL LISTSConfiguration of alarm call delays, modes, mute times, targets … 
DATE, TIME & LOCATIONMANUALManual setting of date and time 
NTP SYNCNTP Server address, sync time…
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEAutomatic DST start/end dates …
LOCATIONLatitude & Longitude settings for Sunrise/Sunset calculations & map displays
E-MAILE-mail server, port & authentication settings
WEBInternal Web server settings
SNMPSNMP Agent settings (V1, V2c, V3 …)
AXON/NEURO COMMAND SERVERAXON/NEURO Command Server security & port settings 
SSL CERTIFICATESSL Certificate Encryption and settings
SITE IDSite ID & Name  
USERSSUPERVISORSet SUPERVISOR Role Username & PasswordMust be configured on initial log-in.
OPERATORSet OPERATOR Role Username & Password
VIEWERSet VIEWER Role Username & Password.

Button identification and functions 

When in selected configuration windows, the following buttons will generally appear at the bottom of the window.


Refreshes the web page (note that any changes made to the page will be lost if not saved first) 

Apply Changes (Save )

The “*” symbol on the Save button shows that changes have been made to the page/view and that a Save should be performed

Return to Home page 
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