Activity Monitoring
This general menu is used to configured the monitoring of any input’s activity (Metering, Status, etc…) A counter starts counting as soon as an input becomes active, and stop counting when it becomes inactive. It can be used to count and log the cumulative on-time of generator, the time the temperature inside the site’s shelter exceeded a preset limit, etc.
1 – ID: ID of the selected input. Select from the drop-down menu.
2 – I/O DESCRIPTION RETRIEVAL: Click to retrieve and display the current normal description of that ID. Normally hidden to minimize data transfers on low speed or high fee data connections.
3 – ACTION TYPE: Selects the action type that will happen when an out-of-limit condition occurs. 3 types are available: Major alarm, Minor alarm, and Command (CMD). On CMD, no alarm will be triggered. Use this Action when you want to take actions without triggering any alarms.
4 – QUALIFIER AND QUALIFIER STATE or DATA: Qualifying element (operand) which can be any input, output, flag, timer, SNMP GET, Logic Gate, etc. Essentially any ID in the Davicom Cortex can be used to mute or unmute the input to prevent it from taking any action. When the Qualifier is active, the input will be monitored and be able to generate alarms. When the qualifier is non-active (or normal), the input will be muted and it will not be able to generate an alarm. To invert the Qualifier’s level, simply put a ! in front of its ID. For example, use !1D01 to invert it. Leave the Qualifier field blank for a “don’t care” condition.
STATE (default setting): the State (Normal or Active) of the input being qualified can change only when the Qualifier is active. Readings from the input (Current Value) continue to be updated periodically independently from the Qualifier state.
DATA: Same as the STATE mode, but in this case the readings from the input (Current Value) remain frozen at their latest values, as long as the Qualifier is not active. This mode is used like a “Sample-and-Hold” for the readings from the input.
5 – SOURCE ID: The identifier of the input on which activity monitoring will be performed (Metering, Status, etc…)
6 – CONTROLLED OUTPUT: Outputs to be controlled (on/off) based on the state of this input. The two output types allowed are relays (both physical and virtual) and SNMP SETs. For the relays, adding a P suffix will Pulse the relay (ex: 1R01P), L will Latch it and R will Release it.
7 – ALARM MODE – CONSECUTIVE or CUMULATIVE: Method used for the time-based activity / inactivity alarms of the Status inputs. The calculation method takes into account the Maximum Activity Time value and/or Maximum Inactivity Time value (see #7 and #8 below).
CONSECUTIVE (default): Timer counts the amount of time the input has been at its current level. It resets every time the input level toggles.
CUMULATIVE: Timer cumulates the amount of time the input is active. An alarm is set if this cumulated time exceeds the threshold (more detail below).
8 – MAXIMUM ACTIVITY TIME: Total amount of active time that must be reached by the counter before the Timer is turned on. A time value of 0 to 9999 minutes can be set. Default setting is 0, for which no automatic action will happen.
9 – ENABLE: Enable / disable the input. Useful to deactivate an input, without losing all its settings, when the input is causing intermittent problems or nuisance alarms.
10 – SYSTEM LOG: Log (or not) the input’s activity in the System Log. Useful when inputs do not need to be logged, but are required for day-to-day operation.
11 – COUNTER: The counter starts counting as soon as an input becomes active, and stop counting when it becomes inactive.
LOG DAILY ACTIVE TIME: Log the daily active time in the System Log.
RESET AT MIDNIGHT: Reset counter at midnight every day.
12 – RESET COUNTER: Manual counter reset.
13 – RESET TRIGGER: Operand-based automatic reset. Reset can be generated automatically by any input ID in the Davicom Cortex.
14 – LAST RESET: Date and time at which the last reset occurred.
15 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.
16 – SAVE / WRITE: Save the screen content.
17 – EXIT: Exit menu.
Status inputs activity monitoring
Similar to Activity Monitoring, except these are dedicated to monitoring the activity on the Status Inputs.
This feature is maintained for legacy compatibility purposes. The Activity Monitoring (1G1…) function can also be used in place of this (1T1…) function.
The Activity Monitoring is a feature of the Status inputs that uses built-in timers to monitor for activity that is too long, inactivity that is too long, or simply to count and log the cumulative activity time on an input. Useful to monitor things like generator tests, compressor duty cycle and other time-critical parameters.
1 – ID: ID of the selected input. Select from the drop-down menu.
2 – I/O DESCRIPTION RETRIEVAL: Click to retrieve and display the current normal description of that ID. Normally hidden to minimize data transfers on low speed or high fee data connections.
3 – ACTION TYPE: Selects the action type that will happen when an out-of-limit condition occurs. 3 types are available: Major alarm, Minor alarm, and Command (CMD). On CMD, no alarm will be triggered. Use this Action when you want to take actions without triggering any alarms.
4 – QUALIFIER: Qualifying element (operand) which can be any input, output, flag, timer, SNMP GET, Logic Gate, etc. Essentially any ID in the Davicom Cortex can be used to mute or unmute the input to prevent it from taking any action. When the Qualifier is active, the input will be monitored and be able to generate alarms. When the qualifier is non-active (or normal), the input will be muted and it will not be able to generate an alarm. To invert the Qualifier’s level, simply put a ! in front of its ID. For example, use !1D01 to invert it. Leave the Qualifier field blank for a “don’t care” condition.
5 – CONTROLLED OUTPUT: Outputs to be controlled (on/off) based on the state of this input. The two output types allowed are relays (both physical and virtual) and SNMP SETs. For the relays, adding a P suffix will Pulse the relay (ex: 1R01P), L will Latch it and R will Release it.
6 – ALARM MODE – CONSECUTIVE or CUMULATIVE: Method used for the time-based activity / inactivity alarms of the Status inputs. The calculation method takes into account the Maximum Activity Time value and/or Maximum Inactivity Time value (see #7 and #8 below).
CONSECUTIVE (default): Timer counts the amount of time the input has been at its current level. It resets every time the input level toggles.
CUMULATIVE: Timer cumulates the amount of time the input is active. An alarm is set if this cumulated time exceeds the threshold (more detail below).
7 – MAXIMUM ACTIVITY TIME: Total amount of active time that must be reached by the counter before the Timer is turned on. A time value of 0 to 9999 minutes can be set. Default setting is 0, for which no automatic action will happen.
9 – ENABLE: Enable / disable the input. Useful to deactivate an input, without losing all its settings, when the input is causing intermittent problems or nuisance alarms.
10 – SYSTEM LOG: Log (or not) the input’s activity in the System Log. Useful when inputs do not need to be logged, but are required for day-to-day operation.
STATE (default setting): the State (Normal or Active) of the input being qualified can change only when the Qualifier is active. Readings from the input (Current Value) continue to be updated periodically independently from the Qualifier state.
DATA: Same as the STATE mode, but in this case the readings from the input (Current Value) remain frozen at their latest values, as long as the Qualifier is not active. This mode is used like a “Sample-and-Hold” for the readings from the input.
12 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.
13 – STATUS INPUT: Brings-up the Status Input configuration menu screen.
14 – SAVE / WRITE: Save the screen content.
15 – EXIT: Exit menu.
Alarm mode – cumulative
This mode of operation is best explained with the example of logging generator run-time to know when to schedule oil changes. If 1D01 is set to go high every time the generator runs, this run time can be logged in the Davicom Cortex. If a maximum activity time is set at 100 hours (6000 minutes), the Davicom Cortex will send a Generator Oil Change alarm after 100 hours. A site operator can then log in to the unit and manually reset the counter after the oil has been changed. Alternatively, another input, such as 1D02, could be used to automatically reset the counter if, for example, the oil cap is removed.
1 – ALARM MODE – CUMULATIVE: Counter cumulates the amount of time the input has been at its active level. (The reset options are listed below).
2 – MAXIMUM ACTIVITY TIME: Total amount of active time that must be reached by the counter before the Timer is turned on. A time value of 0 to 9999 minutes can be set. Default setting is 0, for which no automatic action will happen.
3 – LOG DAILY ACTIVE TIME: Log the daily active time in the System Log.
4 – RESET COUNTER: Manual counter reset.
5 – RESET AT MIDNIGHT: Reset counter at midnight every day.
6 – RESET TRIGGER: Operand-based automatic reset. Reset can be generated automatically by any input ID in the Davicom Cortex.
7 – LAST RESET: Date and time at which the last reset occurred.
8 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.
9 – STATUS INPUT: Bring the Status input configuration menu screen.
10 – SAVE / WRITE: Save the screen content.
11 – EXIT: Exit menu.