Touch-tone Telephone Commands (DV-200)

Davicom DTMF telephone commands by command length

Letter x represents the Davicom Master/Slave unit number.

Letter Z represents the type of input our output as described in the table in Section 3.

Letters yyy represent the actual input number of the Davicom unit in question.

Refer to Section 1.1 of this article for more information on the xZyyy entry format. Refer to this article for more information on input/output capacity for each Davicom model.

Davicom DTMF telephone commands by function

Letter x represents the Davicom Master/Slave unit number.

Letter Z represents the type of input our output as described in the table in Section 3.

Letters yyy represent the actual input number of the Davicom unit in question.

Refer to Section 1.1 of this article for more information on the xZyyy entry format. Refer to this article for more information on input/output capacity for each Davicom model.

Letter Z representation

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