Setting-up an ADAM 6017, 8-Ch Isolated Analog Input Modbus TCP Module on a Davicom Cortex

The instructions given in this article will guide you through all the steps required to set up an Adam-6017 on a Davicom Cortex unit.

While this article fully covers the basic settings of the Adam-6017 module, other very important information is provided in the Advantech Adam-6000 Series User Guide. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you have a look at this guide before deploying any Adam modules.

Setup steps overview

  1. Configuration of the Adam-6017 IP settings
  2. Configuration of the Adam-6017 Analog Inputs settings
  3. Configuration of the Cortex Modbus settings
  4. Enabling the Cortex Modbus Inputs
  5. Saving the Cortex configuration file
  6. Wiring the Adam-6017 Analog* Inputs 
  7. Loading the Davicom Adam-6017 workspace into the Cortex unit

*The term Metering can be used interchangeably with Analog when referring to inputs in this document


  • Davicom Cortex
  • 12VDC / 2A power supply for the Cortex
  • Computer
  • Chrome web browser, installed on the computer
  • Advantech Adam-6017 module
  • Advantech AdamApax+.NET Utility program
  • 10 to 30 VDC / ­150 mA power supply (pigtail wires) for the Adam module
  • Identification sticker (to affix to the Adam module once programmed)
  • Network cable(s) Hookup wires

Installation of the Advantech programming software

The Adam-6017+ modules are factory-set with an IP address at, which will probably need  to be changed in your particular setup. This can be done through the use of Advantech’s AdamApax NET Utility program, available on their web site, or directly from the link below (valid at the time of writing this document). Download it and install it on your computer.

Configuring the Adam-6017 IP settings

NOTE: This section must be completed first in order to have access to other settings of the module.

1) Connect the equipment as shown below and power-up everything.

Figure 1. Programming setup for the IP configuration of the Adam-6017.

2) On the PC, run the Advantech utility program. The opening window will look much like the one below. Every PC Serial port and any Advantech module that the program sees will show up on the left side. A list of supported Advantech devices is also provided.

Figure 2. Main window of the Advantech utility program.

3) In the upper left side of the screen, click on Ethernet, then go to the top menu and click on Tools, then select Search Device.

Figure 3. Searching for an Adam-6017 module with the Advantech utility program.

4) Once the Adam-6017 is found and visible in the list, click on it.

Figure 4. Adam-6017 module found by software.

5) The contents of the right-side window will change, now showing the module’s network settings, and allowing them to be changed. Set them as needed for your particular setup, then click on Apply change.

IMPORTANT: The network settings of the Adam-6017 should be set to match the network settings of the Cortex so that both devices can talk to each other.

Figure 5. The Adam-6017 module found by software. Default network settings are shown.

6) Following your click on the Apply changes button, a window opens prompting you to enter a password. Enter 00000000, which is the default.

Figure 6. Entering password before IP settings changes.

7) Following password validation, a progress bar shows the status of configuration changes.

Figure 7. Progress status of IP settings change request.

8) The whole content refreshes, showing the new network settings of the module.

Figure 8. Status window showing status of IP settings change.

9) The screen will refresh to reflect the new settings (the actual IP address of your module might be different than the one shown on the image).

Figure 9. Screen showing all the new IP settings of the Adam-6017 after an update (Network tab).

The IP configuration of the module is now completed. If you want to configure the module’s Analog Input settings, simply continue to the following pages, otherwise you can close the program and disconnect everything.

Configuring the Adam-6017 Analog Input settings

NOTE: Configuration of the Adam-6017 Analog Inputs is only possible if Part 1 has first been completed.

10) Continuing from the previous page, in the left-side menu, click on Adam-6017 that appears in the list.

Figure 10. Adam-6017 detected by Advantech utility software.

11) Click on the new 6017 that appears in the list.

Figure 11. Accessing settings from the Adam-6017.

12) A new window will open on the right-hand side, giving access to Analog Input settings, like voltage range and channel selection for example.

Figure 12. The Adam-6017 complete Analog Input settings.

IMPORTANT: The Adam-6017 Metering Inputs each have a selectable voltage range. To get optimal measurement precision from these inputs, it is best to select a voltage range that is as close as possible to the maximum voltage range to be measured, but without being lower. The default voltage range is ±10 Volts. As an example, if you were to measure voltages no higher than 5 Volts, you could select the 0-5 Volts range. If you needed to measure 6 volts, then you would have to select the 10V range.

13) Channel (input) selection and input voltage range selection are made under the Input Range section. 8 channels are available, and each of them can be set individually with its own voltage range.

Figure 13. The Adam-6017 Metering Input voltage Range and Channel selection menus.

It is also possible to set the range of all 8 channels at the same time by selecting ALL from the Channel selection menu, then selecting the desired voltage Range. Click on Apply when done.

Two optional Digital Outputs are also available: DO 0 and DO 1. Please see the Advantech Series-6000 User Guide for more information about these and other settings.

IMPORTANT: As shown below, when an Adam-6017 is set to measure DC voltage, specific voltage ranges must be used based on the Cortex model. For a Cortex360, use the ±10 V, ±5 V, 0-5 V or 0-10 V range. For a Cortex320, use only the 0-5 V range. Selecting other ranges will cause erroneous readings.

Take note of the voltage range that is used for each of the Adam-6017 inputs, because each Cortex Metering input will later have to be set with the exact same range.

Cortex360: 0-5V, 0-10V, ±5V, ±10V                                                Cortex320: 0-5V
Figure 14. Voltage ranges to choose from the Adam-6017 depending on the Cortex model used.

NOTE: If multiple Adam modules are to have all of their Metering Inputs programmed with the same voltage range, know that it is possible to clone devices using a single configuration file. Please refer to the Advantech 6000-Series User Guide for more information about using this feature, or contact Davicom Technical Support.

The configuration of the Adam-6017 is now fully completed. The next pages cover the configuration of the Davicom Cortex unit.

Configuring the Cortex Modbus settings

NOTE: At this point, if you know that there are multiple Cortex units which will all be configured identically, it could be possible to use one single configuration file to “clone” all the units. In such a case, the setup presented below would only be required for one single Cortex unit. For reasons of safety & security, some data is not transferred during cloning, like network settings, usernames, passwords, etc.

14) Assemble all the hardware shown in the image below and connect everything together. Connect a network cable from the Adam-6017 to one of the 4 Ethernet ports in the rear of the Cortex360 (use a network switch if you have a Cortex320) and do the same for the computer to the Cortex. When done, power-up the Cortex, wait until the unit is ready (front panel display will show menu), then power-up the Adam-6017.

Figure 15. Connecting an Adam-6017 and a computer to a Cortex for setup.


15) If the Cortex’s network parameters have not yet been set, it can be done now from the front panel display and buttons, or also by connecting to the unit as described below.

16) Using Chrome, connect to the Cortex using the Cortex IP address. Please refer to the Cortex Series Reference Guide if you are not familiar with this operation.

17) Once connected, to access and change the network settings from the top menu, go to:

System > IP Configuration.


18) From the top menu, go to Devices > Modbus. In the window that opens, click on the + (Add) button. This will allow you to add a Modbus device, in this case the Adam-6017.

Figure 16. Adding a Modbus device to a Cortex.

19) Fill in the next window as shown below.

Figure 17. Giving the new Modbus device description names for both the Active and Normal states.

20) Click on the Parameters tab, which will bring up the window shown below, and do the following:

  • Enter the IP address of the Adam-6017 that is connected to this Cortex (replace the 123.456.789 shown below).
  • Click on + that is next to Comm Lost, and in the new menu that unfolds, uncheck Pause On.
  • Under Input Register, set the Length to 8.
  • Click on the Save icon (disk).
  • Click on the Exit icon (arrow).
Figure 18. Configuring a Modbus device as an Adam-6017 in the Cortex.

21) A window comes up showing the status of the newly added Modbus device. The green State means that the module has been detected and is ready.

Figure 19. Status of the Modbus device, the Adam-6017, after proper setup in Cortex.

This completes the configuration of Modbus settings of the Cortex.

More setup details are shown in the following pages.

Enabling the Cortex Modbus Metering Inputs

By default, until they are used, all Cortex inputs are non-enabled. Only the inputs that are required need to be enabled. This section shows how to enable the Modbus Metering Inputs.

22) From the main menu, go to Inputs > Metering Inputs, and click on the + (Add).

Figure 20. Enabling a Modbus Metering Input in the Cortex.

23) In the new window, at the top, click on the ID dropdown selection arrow, then select the desired Modbus Metering Input, which inputs start at 1MA1, up through 1MA8.

Figure 21. Selecting the Modbus Metering Input #1 of the 1st Modbus Slave for enabling.

24) Enter a description in both the Active and Normal boxes, in relationship with what the input will be measuring.

Figure 22. Giving descriptions for the Active and Normal states of a Modbus Metering input.

25) Click on the Action tab, which will bring up the window shown below.

Figure 23. The “Action” screen of a Modbus Metering Input.

26) Under Voltage Range, select the same range as the one that has been selected previously on the Adam-6017 (Step 12) on channel 1 (Vin 0). Do not take any polarity (±) into consideration, just take into account the absolute voltage value, which is either 5 or 10 Volts.

Figure 24. Voltage Range selection of a Cortex360.

27) Still in the same window, fill-in other settings as needed, like Measurement Unit, Level 1 and Level 2 limits, Alarm Type, Sensor Coefficient values, if required. Please refer to the Cortex Series Reference Guide for more information on how to set the Cortex Metering Inputs, or contact Davicom Technical Support.

28) Check that the Modbus Metering Input is ok by going to Inputs > Metering Inputs, and a window showing all the current active Metering Inputs will be displayed. The 1MA1 Input should be listed, green, and showing a voltage value very close to 0 Volt (unless a voltage source is currently connected to that input).

Figure 25. Modbus Metering Input 1MA1 all set and ok.

A quick note on the Davicom Modbus nomenclature, using 1MA1 as an example

The first digit, 1, is the Modbus device ID number. Every Modbus device connected to a Cortex must have a unique ID number. If more than one Modbus device is connected to a Cortex, it is good practice to have their Modbus ID and IP address recorded on a label attached to the deviceto help  in identifying  each one.

MA means Modbus Analog input. An analog input can be compared to a metering input, both behave identically.

The last digit, 1 also, represents the actual Input number, from 1 to 8 in the case of an Adam-6017. This completes the configuration of an Adam Modbus Metering Input.

Saving the Cortex configuration file

29) Every time a setting is changed in the unit, the unit’s configuration changes. Even if this configuration is safely stored in the unit, it is good practice to save a copy of the configuration file when changes are made to the unit’s settings. This would allow you to clone the configuration into another unit, to re-load it into the same unit following a repair, should it be damaged by lightning for example.

30) From the top menu, go to System > Administration, and under Configuration transfer, click on Davicom to PC. The configuration file will download from the unit into the default Chrome download folderin the PC. Check Chrome settings to change the default download location. It is very often located at

C:\Users\ [USERNAME]\Downloads

Figure 26. Saving the configuration file from the Cortex.

NOTE: If multiple Cortex units are to be configured all the exact same way, it is possible to quickly clone units using one single configuration file.

Wiring the Adam-6017 Metering Inputs

31) The Cortex Modbus Metering inputs start at position 1 (1MA1), but the Adam-6017 inputs start at position 0 (Vin 0), so there is an offset of 1 in the numbering between the two devices that needs to be considered when configuring a Cortex, doing wiring, or making drawings.

Figure 27. Wiring details and offset relationship between the Adam-6017 inputs and the Cortex Modbus Metering inputs.

Davicom Adam-6017 workspace

32) Davicom offers a workspace specifically designed for the Adam-6017. It also contains both Davicom MEXM-1 and MEXM-2 models, which also use the Modbus communication protocol, therefore sharing the same 1MAx, 2MAx, etc.identification scheme. If you would like to have this workspace, simply contact Davicom Technical Support, or check out the Documents section on the support portal.

Please refer to the Cortex Series Reference Guide for more information on how to manage workspaces, or contact Davicom Technical Support.

Figure 28. Example of a Cortex workspace made for the Adam-6017.
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