IP Configuration Menu Explained (Cortex series)

IP Configuration

The IP configuration menus set all the IP-related parameters required for the Cortex to communicate via network connection.

IP Configuration – General tab

1 – ENABLE DHCP: Enable / disable the DHCP feature.

2 – IP ADDRESS: IP address of the unit.

3 – NETMASK: Netmask of the unit.

4 – GATEWAY: IP address of a Gateway. It is very important to set a gateway, otherwise, the unit may not communicate successfully with the network.

5 – DNS SERVER: IP address of a Domain Name Server.

6 – MAC ADDRESS: MAC address of the Cortex unit.

7– ADVANCED: Access the advanced IP settings that are used to:

  • Give the unit a Hostname that will appear on an internal network
  • Set the IP port used by default for DavLink
  • Set the email address to which the DHCP “change-of-address” alerts will be sent.

8 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

9 – SAVE: Save the screen content.

10 – EXIT: Exit menu.

IP Configuration – E-mail tab

1 – UNIT E-MAIL ADDRESS: Mandatory email address of the unit (required by some email servers) even if the unit cannot receive email communications. Depending on the email server, there may be no need for it to be a valid email, it only needs to be formatted as such. Examples: mountain_top@gmail.com, remote_site@earthlink.com, davicom@radio.com.

2 – SMTP HOST: IP address (or name) of the SMTP email server.

3 – SMTP PORT: IP Port of the SMTP email server.

4 – SECURITY: Authentication type of the email server.

5 – USERNAME: Username of the email account.

6 – PASSWORD: Password of the email account.

7 – SEND TEST EMAIL TO: Valid recipient email for email transmission test.

8 – SEND TEST EMAIL: Generate a test email in order to verify IP and email settings.

9 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

10 – SAVE: Save the screen content.

11 – EXIT: Exit menu.

IP Configuration – Web tab

1 – ENABLE WEB SERVER: Enable / disable the unit’s web server. CAUTION: if the web server is disabled, the only means of communicating with the Cortex will be via DavLink.

2 – HTTP PORT: HTTP port number for web access.

3 – HTTPS – SSL PORT: HTTPS port number for SSL access.Usually port 443, but it is recommended to use another port.

4 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

5 – SAVE: Save the screen content.

6 – EXIT: Exit menu.

IP Configuration – FTP tab

1 – ENABLE FTP SERVER: Enable / disable the FTP server.

2 – FTP PORT: IP port of the FTP server.

3 – CONNECTION TIMEOUT: This setting is the absolute maximum time (in minutes) after which the FTP server will disconnect.

4 – IDLE TIMEOUT: This setting is the time (in minutes) after which the FTP server will disconnect following no activity (idle).

5 – ENABLE ENCRYPTION: Enable / disable the FTP encryption.

6 – USE SSL V2: Use SSL version 2 for FTP encryption.

7 – USE SSL V3: Use SSL version 3 for FTP encryption.

8 – USE TLS V1: Use TLS version 1 for FTP encryption.

9 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

10 – SAVE: Save the screen content.

11 – EXIT: Exit menu.

IP Configuration – SNMP Agent Tab

The Cortex’s SNMP Agent allows the unit to be monitored and controlled by a remote SNMP Manager program. This agent is different from the Cortex’s SNMP Manager, which is used to monitor and control other on-site equipment.

1 – SNMP MODE: Selects the types of SNMP actions allowed (Traps only, Traps and GETs or Traps, GETs and SETs)

2 – SNMP PORT: IP port used for SNMP commands. Default is 161, but can be changed as required.

3 – COMMUNITY – READ ONLY: Name of the community (kind of password) for the SNMP read-only commands (GETs).

4 – COMMUNITY – READ / WRITE: Name of the community for the SNMP read and write commands.

5 – CORTEX MIB FILE: Clicking this button downloads the Cortex MIB file to your computer

6 – TYPE: Version of the SNMP alarm Traps: Trap V1, Trap V2, Inform V2

7 – PORT: IP Port of the SNMP Traps. Default is 162, but can be changed as required.

8 – COMMUNITY: Name of the community for the SNMP Traps.



11 – SEND TEST TRAP TO: Sends a trap to the device’s IP adress specified in this field.

12 – TEST TRAP: Generate a Trap for test purposes.

13 – REFRESH / READ: Refresh / read the screen content.

14 – SAVE: Save the screen content.

15 – EXIT: Exit menu.

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